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Alberta Gibbs

Wellbeing Group Facilitator

The majority of Alberta's career life has been spent working in administrative roles both in the Private and Public sector for almost 20 years. Working for the government has given me insight into the ins and outs of how the benefits system works which can be a useful skill to have during these unprecedented times.

Alberta is a qualified children’s worker achieving a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Early Childhood Studies. She has worked with children of all ages both in and outside of the Educational sector. Alberta's passion for working with children has spilled over into her personal life with herself and husband having the opportunity to foster babies and toddlers over a period of 8 years. She has also acted as an advocate on several occasions on behalf of children who have suffered mental health difficulties, as well as working with some that have Special Educational Needs.

The latter part of Alberta's career has been spent working in Mental Health settings. She has worked with women who suffered from pre and postnatal mental distress. She did this by delivering Cognitive Behaviour Therapy within a group setting or on a one to one basis. Whilst working with the charity Creative Support, Alberta planned and delivered programmes focusing around CBT, in conjunction with helping service users relate to the recovery cycle of Mental Health.

Alberta also has practical experience in public speaking in various settings and is competent at delivering and compiling presentations.

"I use the sanctity and love of Creative Writing and Gardening to keep the daily stresses of life at bay."

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©2021 by Olive Tree Therapy Solutions

Please Note:

We do not operate a crisis service. Read this Disclaimer.

If you feel unwell or distressed, please contact your GP, a walk in centre or go to A&E where you will be seen by a team of mental health professionals. Alternatively, call the Samaritans on their free number - 116 123

196-198 Edward Road, Balsall Heath, Birmingham. B12 9LX

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